


Nunatsiavut means Our Beautiful


The land is full of history and holds the stories of our people. Nunatsiavut is the only Indigenous self-governing region in what we now call Atlantic Canada.

Today, Nunatsiavummiut face a serious threat. Fraudulent groups claiming to be Inuit threaten our land, our people, our self-determination and our rights as founding peoples of this land.

Inuit know who Inuit are. Follow our lead.

Take Action

What's happening in Nunatsiavut?

The collective and kinship knowledge of Inuit tells us who we are. Inuit across Canada are interconnected through our shared history, land, culture, and language. The Inuit of Canada are the people of Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, Nunavut and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.

Canada knows this, too. The land we live on today was affirmed as our land through a settlement between Canada, the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and all Labrador Inuit.

However, a new group — the NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC) — is claiming its members to be an Inuit collective. The Inuit of Canada are unified in rejecting these claims.

Labrador Inuit have lived on this land for millenia. The NCC’s land claim encroaches into almost half of Nunatsiavut territory. This land is our life and we must protect it.

Learn More

Listen to the unified voices of Inuit

This is Nunatsiavut, Our Beautiful Land. It defines who we are as a people. Inuit know who Inuit are.

Tell Canada to follow our lead by listening to the unified voices of Inuit and rejecting the claims from the Nunatukavut Community Council that threaten our way of life.

Explore our website to learn more about Nunatsiavut, the threats we are facing from fake Indigenous groups, and what you can do to ensure Canada listens to the unified voice of Inuit.

What can you do?

Spread the word

Tell Canada to listen to the unified voices of Inuit and honour the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement.

Help us spread awareness by sharing our postcards with friends and family and sharing these stories on social media.

Our Land
Our People
Our History
Our People
Our History

from the Land

Inuit know

who Inuit are

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